May 5, 2017

Blessed 2017

Hello peeps! It has been so long since I last update my blog post. But is alright, I'll still update myself here if I have the time to do it :)

So, it has been a great 2017 for me in the past 4 months! I truly believe that 2017 is gonna be a great blessing year for me :) Throughout the past 4 months, I've grow and experienced God in some situations. God is so real. I've never felt like this before in my life.

Here is my testimony about God's goodness throughout the past few months. As a partner of Acts Church, this year I participated in the annual U Turn 21-day pray & Fast.

In this 21 days, I fast and prayed for breakthroughs. During U Turn, I experienced some problems that caused me to have emotional breakdown and stress. One day during fasting, I received a text from my mother saying that my PTPTN funds has already done banking in the money with proof. In fact, all this while I thought they still owe me a semester. So I thought that with all the funds that I currently have now would be enough for me to pay 1/2 of my total loan if they still owe me a semester of funds. Things turned out to be different out of a sudden. It hit me so hard when I received the news and I have no idea where to get those money back to pay. 

On that day, I was so stressed until a point where I forced myself to eat 2 packets of instant noodle (which I usually don't do it) even though I know that I can only finish 1 packet every time. I texted my best friend and I told her everything that I faced on that day. I felt like the world is so against me and I even thinking of moving myself out from this world that I'm living. I've lost hope. I have no idea where am I gonna get that huge amount of money to pay my PTPTN loan. 

On that day itself, when I was doing my devotion at night as usual, God's word struck me on the spot that I have no choice but to surrender myself once again to Him. God question my faith. The devotional material that is written in the book that we used for U Turn said this: 

Have you done "Falling backwards by faith"? Is an action where requires your faith to fall backwards and believing that the person behind you will catch you when you fall.

You might be praying for something to God today. But the thing that God asks from you doesn't seem logic to you, yet He still ask you to trust in Him. Are you going to trust God that He is going to catch you when you perform this "falling backwards by faith" action? 

Today, make the decision to trust God once again. When you obey God, He will open the doors of breakthroughs for you. 

This whole passage hit me so hard. That night, I prayed and uphold all of my worries to God. God set me free. Immediately I can feel that the burden in my heart was gone. Praise God for that, Hallelujah. Even though I might not see, but by faith, I believe that He is preparing something great for me :) And so, that's what I learned and received from God throughout the 21-day pray & fast. 

2 days after U Turn, on the 18th of April, God spoke to me. The minute when I woke up from my sleep, I heard God saying to me: "DO SOCIAL MEDIA FAST UNTIL 30TH OF APRIL." I have to say that His words is so clear! This is the first time I've experience this in my life. So on that day itself, I started my fast on all my social medias including Facebook, Instagram and also Twitter. 

During the fast, I kept hearing from God telling me to Expect the unexpected. I totally have no idea about what God is trying is show me, but I continue to pray for myself and also for my friends who has not yet accepted Christ. 

Nothing has happen to me until 29th of April. That night around 11pm, I sat before my laptop watching some movies. Suddenly, I received a Whatsapp text from one of my college best friend who is currently working in Singapore. I didn't thought of replying her text immediately because I thought that she might be just bored or need someone to talk to. So I reply her text a few minutes after. 

"Good news mama." That's what I got from her after I reply her. I have no idea what she is trying to tell me. As I continue asking, she then reply me with this: "I accepted Christ today." Words can't even describe my feelings at that moment. I was so happy and excited. Totally this wasn't what I expecting to happen during the fast. 

So I asked my friend what moved her to make this important decision? She then told me: "God is real. I don't want to wait anymore longer to make this decision. Something in my heart has been telling me to take that step of faith, and I did." I am so amazed by how God has done miracles in her life. To be honest, this friend of mine has been on my prayer list items. Even though I've been praying for her everyday, I still think that she won't be accepting Christ soon. And yet, God prove me wrong. He is really amazing. 

This is my testimony. I want to encourage you today, if you are still praying for your love ones, and you feel like giving up because you can't see any changes. Don't stop praying, for God is the God that keep His promises. He will do things that you least expected. All the glory and praise goes to God!